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Re: Trump Watch

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Once PSfB is voted out he’s done. Pure and simple. He may try and drag his retardation on but it won’t last long. Why? It’s simple. If in fact he does get voted out it will be a total repudiation of not only him but the bullshit that put him there in the first place. Before our eyes we are witnessing the rejection of those things Colin Woodard laid out in American Character.
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Re: Trump Watch

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Taylor wrote:Once PSfB is voted out he’s done. Pure and simple. He may try and drag his retardation on but it won’t last long. Why? It’s simple. If in fact he does get voted out it will be a total repudiation of not only him but the bullshit that put him there in the first place. Before our eyes we are witnessing the rejection of those things Colin Woodard laid out in American Character.

We are also witnessing just how backward and uncivilized democratic sheep are.

Complicit in all the violence are democratic leaders who have never once condemned the violence happening in our cities.

All those that have not openly condemned the violence are complicit and should be publicly shamed and outed for the barbarians they really are.
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Re: Trump Watch

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Why doesn't the Trump regime just stop looking for illegal immigrants? Then they'll find less of them and proclaim victory!
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Re: Trump Watch

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Taylor wrote:Once PSfB is voted out he’s done. Pure and simple. He may try and drag his retardation on but it won’t last long. Why? It’s simple. If in fact he does get voted out it will be a total repudiation of not only him but the bullshit that put him there in the first place. Before our eyes we are witnessing the rejection of those things Colin Woodard laid out in American Character.
I want charges filed against him, Barr, Miller and the Trump kids. The fact that Barr tried to fire the US Attorney as SDNY tells me that there will be charges coming. Barr belongs in prison. I will dance in the streets if and when that happens.
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Re: Trump Watch

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Now Trump wants to make an issue of protecting monuments, including Confederate monuments. Why doesn't he just come right out and praise the Confederate flag?

And on the same day the Administration comes out whole hog for a judicial repeal of the requirement to cover pre-existing medical conditions. One in four families in America includes someone with a pre-existing condition. Biden has been handed a winning issue.

I wonder if there is a sort of "political Tourette's" in which a certain moron has a compulsion to say offensive things no matter how they will be received by others? Or maybe he just wants to make sure he is not trapped again into another four-year-long nightmare of inability to cash in on the brand-building of his glorious campaigns? Or maybe he knows something we don't about money-laundering investigations in the Southern District of New York? There must be something behind this ultra-bizarre behavior, but I just can't figure out what it would be.
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Re: Trump Watch

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ant wrote:Hey, all.. serious question:

Why is it that when something goes horribly wrong in a Democratic run city it's never the fault of the democratic party?

You know, like for example all the mayhem going on in cities like Los Angeles, Seattle, San Francisco, New York, and Chicago?
Most big cities are liberal. Even in ultra conservative states like Texas and Oregon, the cities tend to swing left.

https://modernsurvivalblog.com/current- ... s-liberal/

I've heard arguments from the right that criticize democratic leadership in big cities, but this seems rather simplistic, since big cities have a large population and must rely on more complex political structure than smaller towns or rural areas. Wouldn't you expect there to be more problems in big cities?

For example, you can criticize New York's mayor for bad leadership in dealing with the coronavirus, but NYC became an epicenter by virtue of the fact that it is a huge metropolitan area with a large influx of people coming from all parts of the world. Maybe there was bad leadership, but there are also special challenges of life in the big city that may be overlooked in your zeal to criticize Democrats?
Question everything
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Re: Trump Watch

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Trump appears to have lost his bid for reelection. So much so, that he now acts like he doesn't care if he gets another term. He cares. He cares deeply because Trump hates to be a loser. Morning Joe is saying Trump might even bow out before the election to avoid one of the worst election blowouts since George McGovern (well, he didn't mention McGovern, I threw that in). Trump would surely not want that to be his legacy--that he got blown out. So he might just drop out and say he refused to run because the election is rigged (although to Trump, an election is fair when he wins and rigged when he doesn't and, yes, it is really that simple).

Notice that the Trump campaign is running anti-Biden commercials constantly? By contrast, the Biden campaign has not aired anything. The Trumpers believe it is because Biden is senile and the dems are trying to hide it. The truth is, commercials cost a lot to air and Biden doesn't need to air anything because Trump is digging himself in deeper every time he opens his mouth. Biden doesn't need to say anything. He can stay quiet and save campaign funds by not airing commercials. His lead is that significant. Trump, otoh, doesn't have that luxury. He MUST air anti-Biden commercials and waste money. This is not lost on Trump at all. When it comes to spending money, Trump watches every last penny. He knows Biden has him over a barrel and you can bet he is infuriated.

Now, we're still a long ways away from the election but a 14-pt deficit is going to be very difficult for Trump to overcome. His campaign is resorting to the Nixonian "silent majority" gambit but it won't work. Tulsa proved there is no silent majority. Tulsa proved it's all over for Trump. Nothing he does is going to make any difference. The people have already made up their minds. Trump's a goner.

Hillary Clinton could not manage to do what Biden has done. She could not seem to get much more that 5 points up on Trump and that was close enough for Trump not to give up. But a double-digit lead is different. It's really bad when what is sinking you is yourself and your opponent doesn't even have to say anything whatsoever and he still commands a huge lead over you. That's BAD!! The people don't love Biden, they hate Trump so bad that they don't care who is running against him. Trump is worse off than Hillary Clinton. She stayed in the game but Trump is already sunk.

While there may be an unheard portion of the electorate who have not spoken up for Trump but there is no way that portion is going to overcome a 14-point deficit and Tulsa drove that point home with a vengeance. Trump knew it was over when he saw the pathetic crowd sitting in a stadium less than a third full. A THIRD!! Even half-full would be humiliating! That hilarious image of him walking alone and dejected back to the White House said it all, baby! Most people who voted for Trump in 2016 are no longer enamored with the Donald Trump experience.

Who can he blame? Well, if you're him, you blame everybody but yourself but if you're anyone else you say that he can only blame himself. His handling of the covid crisis was incredibly and needlessly BAD! He has been wrong on EVERYTHING he said about the virus. It wasn't a hoax, he didn't have it "completely under control", it wasn't going to soon dwindle to zero and be gone, it wasn't going to miraculously disappear when summer came--it's FAR worse than it ever was. He urged reopening states and now those states are drowning in new covid infections and are now realizing they have to shut down the way they should have when it all first started but even if they do, they will still likely reinfect the entire country all over again. Huge repudiation of Trump's covid policy. It left Trump with no card to play but an unbelievable statement that we should stop testing so that the viral count goes down on paper while it skyrockets among the helpless populace.

There is no hiding that when he had a chance to act, he did nothing. He did NOTHING! Now it's too late. Way too late. The damage has been done and it isn't even close to being over yet. It looks to get a lot worse unless they get a vaccine on the market and fast (they are testing one in Africa as you read this).

What really mystifies the electorate is that Trump was going to base his campaign on the strength of the economy under his presidency. It was his greatest selling point. So people assumed that he wasn't going to let anything louse up the economy. So when he got the first reports of covid back in November of 2019, he should have immediately swung into action to make sure it doesn't run rampant across the nation. He didn't have much time so he had to MOVE on that. Instead, he sat on his ass rolled his eyes and blew it off. Within a few months, all the gains the stock market had made over the last 10 years or so were gone--wiped out. Just like that. And instantly there were millions of unemployed. Just like that. With it went Trump's hopes of reelection.

Moreover, Trump's decision to disengage from WHO made no sense from a logistics standpoint but what else can you expect from someone whose specialty is being divisive and pitting people against each other for sport? Even his most ardent supporters--no matter what face they put on in public--now no longer find his ability to divide and conquer funny or entertaining. The stakes are now too high and is costing them their livelihoods and their very lives. Even they now see that Trump can't unite people when he has to as they watch their hospitals being overwhelmed with thousands upon thousands of new cases every single day. He only knows how to divide and that won't cut it.

They won't admit it though because it would be admitting that the anti-Trumpers were right all along--this man should never have been president, that he does not have the temperament for it, that he is unfit for the office in every conceivable way.

His anti-Biden commercials are laughable. One commercial said that if Biden were elected, there would be riots in the streets which ignores the undeniable fact that there are already riots in the streets. Another commercial says that Trump is overseeing our economic recovery which Biden would destroy when it is Trump who allowed the economy to be destroyed in the first place and he has done nothing for any kind of recovery because there isn't anything he can do about it. Another commercial states that Biden is senile and unstable which is the pot calling the kettle black if ever there was a pot to call a kettle black. It's just dark humor and nobody can take it seriously. The commercials work more for Biden than they do Trump.

Trump is still trying to run as a challenger rather than an incumbent. He's totally unsuited to play the defensive. He loves to attack but it doesn't work now. He's the sitting president but he has no record worth defending. Doesn't stop him from trying though. So while it may be too early to call it, I still say Trump is done. Some are saying he will cheat again and win a second term. I don't think so. I mean, sure, he probably will cheat again but it won't win him a second term. That will send people into the streets if anything does. I might just join them.
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Re: Trump Watch

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DB Roy wrote:Trump appears to have lost his bid for reelection.
I do not share your optimism.
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Re: Trump Watch

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It's ridiculous to think Trump has a chance now. He never was popular with most voters to begin with. I didn't think he was going to win even if the covid thing never happened but his lack of response to covid has cooked his goose.

His inability to unite Americans and to do a damned thing about trying to heal the country's racial fault lines has been is tiring and polls show that the majority of Americans see nothing but racial strife ahead if Trump is reelected. Most Americans believe he is a racist and flirts with white supremacists. And there is still the Russia probe and his owning of the attorney-general that needs to be probed deeply and which will only happen if he's out of office. People are tired of the wall business. I knew from the day he was elected that he would never build it. It's just something he drags out of the closet to fire up his base but even they are catching on that he isn't going to build it and never intended to.

Now there is the revelation that Trump knew the Russians paid Afghan fighters bounties to kill foreign fighters including Americans. That Russia paid the fighters in cash--American money! He denies it but everybody knows what a liar he is. It's exactly the same thing he did with covid--he read the reports (or, more likely, they were read to him) and he rolled his eyes and didn't care. He cannot foresee consequences probably because he has never had to face them in his privileged little life.

But for him to say that nobody told him about the bounties is very problematic for a number of reasons: First, it is an admission that the info is true. If it were false, Trump would just say it was false and that would be the end of it. When we then conclude that Trump knows the info to be true then it implies that he knew about it. What has be to proven is WHEN did he know about it and WHO informed him? We also have to know what action did Trump take in retaliation to Putin's bounty? From what we see, Trump, as usual, did nothing--except recommend that Russia be allowed to join G7. So, this is huge. It means the military cannot trust Donald Trump. All the vets I know are wild about Trump. I wonder how wild they'll be when they learn Trump doesn't give a shit about the lives of soldiers, sailors and marines. That he holds his sycophantic friendship with Putin in higher value than he does the lives of American military personnel.

If Trump really didn't know about the bounties then who failed to inform him of it? Who is going to throw himself on this grenade to protect Trump? I'll bet nobody. This is going to dog him to the polls. In fact, he may not be allowed to run by that time depending on what we further learn about this. The one thing we can be positive of right now is that it is not fake news. It happened and Trump did nothing about it.

So, no, he's not going to get reelected and I fully expect him to be indicted once he leaves office because he is the most corrupt world leader I've ever seen.
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Re: Trump Watch

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DB Roy wrote: Trump is still trying to run as a challenger rather than an incumbent. He's totally unsuited to play the defensive.
Well said. This is the key to the whole puzzle. People could vote for him (or Jill Stein, or whoever) as a protest vote last time, and there was plenty to protest. But now he is the one responsible for the state of things, and he is still trying to run against government. Lots of people still eat that up, but I don't think there are enough swing voters in Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, North Carolina and Arizona who still see the world that way. I think you are right that he is going down. I just wish I could be confident.

You have pointed out, and the Atlantic also pointed out late today, that he owns the pandemic now. He and his merry followers took the option of opening up without doing the necessary testing and contact tracing (it may not even be possible to do the necessary testing and contact tracing), and Trump actively declared himself against testing. Now as the hospital beds are filling up in the Blue [oops, Red] states, there is no way around his fault in the matter. Sins of omission, mostly, but most people just care about whether his policy took any responsibility and did what needed to be done. So now he owns the unemployment rate and the recession as well.

The Lincoln Project, anti-Trump Republicans funded by businesses who want a return to some sort of functioning government, had a scathing ad on Facebook (my wife played it - I am currently boycotting Zuck and his Schmucks) pointing out that he went about the Trade War all wrong and has in fact done lots of enabling for China. Elders are fed up with him for caring nothing about lives in the Covid Crisis, military officers are fed up with him for having no honor and treating their top brass like Michael Cohen-style boot-lickers, many farmers are fed up with him for starting a trade war that has damaged their livelihoods significantly, and everybody who thought he would drain the swamp and bring a breath of fresh air were fed up with him well before his party lost big in the 2018 off-year elections.
DB Roy wrote: He loves to attack but it doesn't work now. He's the sitting president but he has no record worth defending. Doesn't stop him from trying though. So while it may be too early to call it, I still say Trump is done.
No spending on infrastructure, no extended unemployment benefits in the worst economic collapse since Franklin Roosevelt was elected, a protracted war against accountability and the rule of law, an effort to end the Affordable Care Act in the worst epidemic since the Spanish Flu at the end of WWI, re-tweeting White Power in the middle of the George Floyd wave of moves to hold the police accountable, it all adds up to a total failure to take America's crises seriously, let alone to appeal to Americans and try to pull the country together. I don't think most people think this is the kind of situation in which the leader should be busy picking fights.

But that's what narcissists do. That is what drives them. They never take responsibility for anything, because their fragile ego cannot stand the thought that they might actually fail at something and get things wrong sometimes. When you think about it, Trump is a pitiful character despite his wealth and getting elected President of the U.S., since his mind cannot take in his failure in going bankrupt but must be in total denial at every waking minute by pretending he really amounts to anything.
Last edited by Harry Marks on Tue Jun 30, 2020 10:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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