I ran across this recently and was a bit shocked that they literally "presuppose" the Christian God as the ground of all logic and reason. If you don't acknowledge that, you are lost, merely spewing nonsense.What Is Presuppositional Apologetics?
...Presuppositionalists are not very optimistic, if not altogether negative, about what reason apart from special revelation can achieve. Presuppositionalism asserts that reasoning does not take place in a vacuum; rather, a person’s reasoning is colored by their presuppositions or assumptions—the lenses through which they see the world.
There is no neutral realm where reason alone exists and operates; there is no perfectly objective vantage point from which a person can see and interpret the world without presuppositions. And because non-Christians deny the true God they know exists, they reason with unbelieving and sinful presuppositions.
Cornelius Van Til, the father of presuppositionalism, argued that we can know with certainty that the Christian God exists because we must presuppose him {in order} to be rational. Thus, for many presuppositionalists, probabilistic or “best explanation” arguments are off-limits because such arguments do not do justice to the power of the Christian case and would give unbelievers an excuse for their unbelief.
...The presuppositionalist asserts that the authority of the Bible should be the assumed starting point in apologetic discourse. As Van Til himself wrote, “The only ‘proof’ of the Christian position is that unless its truth is presupposed there is no possibility of ‘proving’ anything at all.”
https://zondervanacademic.com/blog/pres ... pologetics
I'm surprised presuppositional apologetics has gained any traction at all as Hitchen's Razor summarily destroys it. But evidently it is taken seriously in certain circles. Here is an example of an academic type meticulously plodding through a text by Dr. Greg Bahnsen which is about Van Til.What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.
- Hitchen's Razor
If you want to see this form of argument in action, search for "Darth Dawkins" on Youtube. Warning he can be extremely annoying and obnoxious, but you might get the gist of this technique fairly quickly.