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The plight of the sane conservative.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 10:59 am
by johnson1010
How does a sane conservative (and there are many) deal with associating themselves with the republican party? It doesn't take much digging before you run into complete nut-jobs like Sharon Angle ... -video.php

odious gas-bags like O'Reilly, Beck and Limbaugh (their idiocy is legion. Find your own link)

and it appears that Sarah Palin may once again be at the top of their presidential options. Sarah Palin! ... shoutitout

Here we see a member of the silent majority. Sensible conservatives across america are rolling over and letting the dregs of their party take the wheel. Sieze the day conservatives! Make that word respectable again! Take it back from the neo-cons, religious moral police, and un-informed soccer-moms who want to be president! ... ative.html

Re: The plight of the sane conservative.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 4:46 pm
by President Camacho
These two parties need to be outlawed yesterday.

Re: The plight of the sane conservative.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 5:16 pm
by GaryG48
Johnson, you are dead bang right (pun intended).

I could live with Limbaugh, the Fox talking heads were easy to ignore. Harry Reid worried me but now I lay awake nights thinking how Palin might pull defeat out of the mouth of victory in the next presidential campaign. For it is ours (the conservatives) to lose. We could elect a corpse next time--the benefit of a corpse is, it can't talk itself out of winning--but no way will even the tired, discouraged, worn-out American electorate vote in Palin (I thought of and rejected a dozen adjectives to put in front of "Palin" but her name says it all).

Re: The plight of the sane conservative.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 5:28 pm
by President Camacho
The thing about conservatives is.... they're themselves. They're shifty but not altogether stupid (despite evidence against this argument). They'll see another conservative leader and cower... They'll question themselves. They may not vote. They know they've f*cked up real bad before. They'll retreat inside themselves and allow the nation to heal completely. Good on them. Maybe they can spend their time more wisely and just pray. Stay out of politics and pray all day.

Re: The plight of the sane conservative.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 5:47 pm
by johnson1010
now I lay awake nights thinking how Palin might pull defeat out of the mouth of victory in the next presidential campaign.
I hope you are one of the good ones. You realize that victory for the sake of victory is not enough. Palin being in the white house is not a victory for the republicans. it is a victory for the defeat of intelligence and reasonable behavior. it is the defeat of preparedness. it is the defeat of sound judgment.

It is not enough to simply have any a republican, no matter who that is, no matter what they stand for, no matter how limited their ability, simply to hold that position for a political party.

That is un-acceptable.

The only way to to reclaim your party is to turn these raving jackals out on their asses. Don't let Palin speak for you. Don't let the words of Glen Beck stand for your positions. Call them down.

I can assure you, no hippie will ever speak for me. Don't let jingoistic backwards slogan blaring anti-intellectuals speak for you. Conservative once stood for something people could be proud of. take it back.

Re: The plight of the sane conservative.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:01 pm
by President Camacho
Why do you bother Johnson? That kind of talk is best reserved for moderate democrats... not republicans. Republicans just want to drink the kool-aid Fox news pumps out man... Don't waste your time.

Re: The plight of the sane conservative.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 10:43 pm
by DWill
johnson1010 wrote:How does a sane conservative (and there are many) deal with associating themselves with the republican party? It doesn't take much digging before you run into complete nut-jobs like Sharon Angle ... -video.php

odious gas-bags like O'Reilly, Beck and Limbaugh (their idiocy is legion. Find your own link)

and it appears that Sarah Palin may once again be at the top of their presidential options. Sarah Palin! ... shoutitout

Here we see a member of the silent majority. Sensible conservatives across america are rolling over and letting the dregs of their party take the wheel. Sieze the day conservatives! Make that word respectable again! Take it back from the neo-cons, religious moral police, and un-informed soccer-moms who want to be president! ... ative.html
I could also say--in fact, I do--that the "other party" needs to take a look at conservatism and extract a lesson or two. I'm not talking about a lesson from the folks currently identified as conservative, since they often have little to do with conservatism. I'm talking about the philosophical/political stance that has an honored past. Doing just that did work politically for Bill Clinton.

Re: The plight of the sane conservative.

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 8:17 am
by johnson1010
I am totally on board with fiscal conservativism.

That is THE job of government. Spend the taxes responsibly.

Republicans continue to carry the word "conservative" with them, and continue to think of themselves as the party of fiscal responsibility, but that simply has not been the case for the last several republican presidencies. ... tial_terms

"Conservative" is now equivalent with a "moral" agenda. Namely, controlling who has sex with what. No gays, no abortion, keep the guns, and that is as far as they have thought government through.

I think i will stop calling them Republicans. They don't deserve that name. Neo-Cons do not have a plan for government. They only have a moral agenda to inflict on the rest of us. ... 50431.html

This is not going to work any better than it did on the run up to the economic crash.

Re: The plight of the sane conservative.

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 2:24 pm
by President Camacho
You know... we can't even get congress to pass laws against pork barrel spending - a slap in the face to every tax payer. How do you figure you're all for conservative spending? As if you'd have any control over it whatsoever?

The Dems spend it on the poor. The Reps spend it on the rich. Meanwhile you get hosed. WTF...?

The Reps talk a good talk but it's just a shifting of wealth. NeoCon? Nooooooo. There's no such thing. There's one or the other. Rep or Dem. 2 parties. That's it.

Re: The plight of the sane conservative.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 5:57 am
by JulianTheApostate
It's amazing how the right-wing anti-intellectual extremists have taken over the Republican Party. Nuts like Sharon Angle and Rand Paul are Senate nominees, while Sarah Palin was a VP nominee who may run for President.

That general trend has been there for a while, though it's gotten worse in recent years. As far back as I can remember, the Democrats have selected more impressive candidates than the Republicans. For example, in every Presidential race since Nixon was running for office, the Democrat was more intelligent than the Republican, with the possible exception of the Bush/Dukakis race. The embarrassing morons in Congress are much more likely to be Republicans than Democrats.

I don't see things changing any time soon. The Republican voters are hyper-partisan, punishing any officeholders who takes a more nuanced approach and has a view of the world that's at all realistic. With the economy in the toilet, people are angry and voting based on their emotional passions.