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The Marxist Revolution in America

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 9:01 pm
by KindaSkolarly
Lenin said, "Socialism is the path to communism." FDR gave us socialism with the New Deal, and we've come a long way toward communism since then.

G. Edward Griffin talked about the communist agenda in 1969. Everything he predicted has come true or is coming true. He said that communists would use race as a tool for dividing America:

G. Edward Griffin - “Communist Agenda” ...

Civil rights in America was achieved some time ago, but then Obama came along. He was never fully vetted, so there's no telling where he got his training in divisive racist tactics. His legal name may still be Barry Soetoro for all we know.

And do you think the mayor of NY City is a man named Bill de Blasio?


These people are not who they pretend to be. They are Marxists funded by big foundations like George Soros' Open Society Foundations, the Ford Foundation and others.

Soros Funded Violent Ferguson Protest Movement and Paid Black Lives Matter Protesters
From 2016: "The documents further confirm that the Open Society last year approved $650,000 to 'invest in technical assistance and support for the groups at the core of the burgeoning #BlackLivesMatter movement.'" ... rotesters/

This kind of investment, in technical assistance, was on display in the video below. This "activist" was using his handheld device in an attempt to scan police radios, to determine which frequencies they were using. You will see that now in almost every video of "activists" who get in the faces of police. Watch their hands. They're scanning for radio frequencies. Soros-funded technology in action:

The Marxist uprising is here, folks, and it's masked as Black Lives Matter and Antifa. Look at how many corporations and public figures are supporting them and their looting. Most of the supporters are worried about financial or job security, and they're simply picking the side they think will win. Here's one of the people they're contributing to.


Here's video of him passing out AR-15s from the trunk of his car:

Raz of the CHAZ Hands Out AR-15s ...

To me that video is astonishing. The man is an Islamic extremist with ties to Dubai, and he's giving rifles to strangers. He gives one to a young man who looks to be less than 18 years old. He hands him the gun and then tells him to load it. This is the kid’s test, to see if he can handle a weapon. He doesn’t have a clue, probably never held a gun before in his life. So, a foreign-funded Islamic radical has taken over part of an American city and is openly arming children.

And apparently you leftists support this. If you don't speak out against it then that's tacit approval. You're taking part in a Marxist revolution.

Re: The Marxist Revolution in America

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 3:02 pm
by Interbane
KS wrote:And apparently you leftists support this. If you don't speak out against it then that's tacit approval.
Quite a few liberal media outlets have spoken out against it. Does that suffice for you?

Or do you expect every liberal on earth to read the news 24/7 to be aware of everything bad happening, and also expect them to denounce each and every instance? Otherwise, you take it as tacit approval? You're such a walnut.

The stuff you say is always so damned stupid, I can almost picture you. Down in Texas, wearing a MAGA hat lined with tinfoil and wiry grey hair frazzled out in all directions. Stacks of conservative magazines all around you collecting dust? A worn out dirty keyboard from all your "investigating" of the damned liberals?

Re: The Marxist Revolution in America

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 9:31 pm
by KindaSkolarly
Don't bitch at me. YOU people are the ones pulling down statues of U.S. Grant and Abe Lincoln. You make this about race, and then you do that. And Teddy Roosevelt. You Democrats STILL haven't gotten over the fact that Roosevelt, a Republican, was the first president to invite a black man to dinner at the White House.

This isn't about justice, it's about destroying America.
A powerful new Republican ad. The co-founder of Black Lives Matter admits to being a trained Marxist. ...

KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov's warning to America
A video well worth watching. 34 years ago he described how Marxist-Leninists take over countries:
1) DEMORALIZATION - The traditional values of a country are subverted. It takes 15-20 years, the length of time needed to educate a generation.
2) DESTABALIZATION - Economy, foreign relations, and defense systems are weakened. 2-5 years.
3) CRISIS - Six weeks.
4) NORMALIZATION - After a violent change of power, the "new normal" is announced.

Obama the Marxist
Dr. John Drew says that he was the president of the Occidental College Marxist Club and knew Obama well. According to Dr. Drew, Obama was a Marxist revolutionary... ... ry-guards/

Bill De Blasio Is America’s Marxist Mayor
"...The mayor of the world’s financial center, the hub of American and global capitalism, thinks that the obstacle to progress is private property, the institutional system that has brought billions of people around the world out of back-breaking poverty. ... Private property restricts government power and decentralizes decision making. ... That’s just what irks Mayor de Blasio: Property rights limit his power and give individuals, not him, the right to decide how to use their property. ... Private property is necessary for freedom. It divides and limits power. It allows markets and trade to happen, creating economic growth...." ... xist-mayor

Venezuelan Activist Elizabeth Rogliani Otaola Issues Dire Warning on Leftist Revolution in America ...

Tucker: Why mobs are tearing down America's monuments
This may be the best piece Tucker Carlson has ever done. ...

American leftists need to either shout down their dangerous comrades, or jump on the bus. There's no middle ground on this.

Re: The Marxist Revolution in America

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 11:04 pm
by Taylor
I am in 100% agreement, The stuff KOS post is “just damn stupid “ should get rid of the guy.

Re: The Marxist Revolution in America

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 7:27 am
by Interbane
Don't bitch at me. YOU people are the ones pulling down statues of U.S. Grant and Abe Lincoln.
My people? I don't condone them pulling down statues. I wouldn't pull down a statue of Hitler either. I'd want to know what the bastard looked like.

If there's a group of people ripping this country apart, you're in that group. The ones who spew nonstop divisiveness and fake news. The purported descent into Marxism you're afraid of is something you don't understand. You don't have your head wrapped around what's actually happening. You think you do, but you don't. You get fed confirmation bias soundbites from the Youtube algorithm, and gobble it up. You get fed the same few strands in the vast fabric of events, so that's all you know. Read some books, get off the internet.

Re: The Marxist Revolution in America

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 6:28 am
by DWill
You don't even want to give oxygen to any of the "news sources" Kinda throws up here. Why help out by giving traffic to outlets specializing in disinformation?

Re: The Marxist Revolution in America

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 10:57 am
by geo
Whenever I see the name, George Soros, I roll my eyes. He's always the big. bad Boogeyman behind all the nefarious plots in the world. And, yet, if you do a little fact-checking, nothing ever pans out. ... read-47329

Re: The Marxist Revolution in America

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 11:56 am
by ant
Taylor wrote:I am in 100% agreement, The stuff KOS post is “just damn stupid “ should get rid of the guy.

Okay, Hitler.

Re: The Marxist Revolution in America

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 12:07 pm
by ant
Here is a sample of the democratic base, aka New York CHAZ, bragging about their college degrees and mocking the police for being "uneducated"

No democratic leader has condemned this abuse.

I know some very bright people from all walks of life, both blue and white collar.

This exemplifies the impact of ideological academic brain washing.

These dullards need to be hospitalized and lobotomized at the expense of the democrats.
They are pernicious, sub-human neanderthals, poisonous to civilization.

Re: The Marxist Revolution in America

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 12:15 pm
by ant
Interbane wrote:

Down in Texas, wearing a MAGA hat lined with tinfoil
Oh, so you're going to pigeonhole an entire state as being "tinfoil" conspiracy theorists?

How brash and arrogant of you.

I have relatives that live in Texas.. They do not wear tinfoil on their heads and are peaceful, law abiding citizens who are raising families, caring for them, and working at making an honest living .

Fuck your arrogance, Interbane. Only an idiot like Taylor would thank you for that bigoted comment
Go back to sleep on your lounge chair.