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Re: 173 Declared Democratic Presidential Candidates

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 9:47 pm
by KindaSkolarly
Nobody is showing up at Joe Biden's rallies. 98 at the last one. The campaign money he gets is corporate money. He's from Delaware, the center of America's usurious credit card industry, and they're pumping lots of cash into his coffers, but still, he draws double digits at his rallies.

And now he can see that he's striding toward a big pile of caca with this impeachment business. If the trial goes to a senate full of pissed off Republicans, then the Biden boys could be #1 and #2 on the list of people called as witnesses. And they would be under oath. Joe Biden would perjure himself within his first hour of testimony, and he knows it. The other day he said he wouldn't testify because it's all just partisan BS. I expect that somebody pointed out how he would HAVE to comply with a subpoena, so now he's doing some monumental quibbling. It is truly wonderful to watch.

Biden: GOP has no ‘legal basis’ to subpoena him in Trump impeachment trial ... ent-089933

Biden clarifies remark that he will not comply with Senate subpoena ... e-subpoena

Here's a short video of Biden being heckled in San Antonio a couple of weeks ago. I think 80 people showed up for that rally.

Re: 173 Declared Democratic Presidential Candidates

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2020 10:08 pm
by KindaSkolarly
Oh what good fortune we have, to be living in the run-up to the 2020 election. Trump is beset on all sides by those who would bring him down, but he towers above the fray.

And meanwhile...

The Democrats.

Where to begin?

Elizabeth Warren has dissolved in her own vinegar. And she went out in such beautiful irony. One of the leaders of the environmentalist cult, she was caught disembarking from a private jet. So funny:

Elizabeth Warren Hides Behind Staffer After Stepping Off Private Jet


And Joe Biden. What can you say?

Joe Biden calls student a 'lying dog-faced pony soldier' at rally

He's out of the race after fourth and fifth place showings, so no wonder he's calling people names. He probably won't face justice for his shameless raping of Ukraine, either. Pursuing that matter would lead to his family's involvement with the ChiComs, and nobody in the Washington establishment (Democrat OR Republican) wants that closet opened. So the Bidens will be allowed to take their places among the other footnotes in the history books. Good riddance.

That leaves Sanders and Buttigieg out of the original field of candidates. I'm glad that Trump corrected America the other day by saying that Sanders is a communist, not a socialist. Sanders is an enemy of America. He should be in prison or living in Moscow, deported back to where he spent his honeymoon. We need to bring back loyalty oaths and fire up the House Un-American Activities Committee again. Sanders and Obama would fail the questioning portion of the pageant, but they'd do well in the talent competition with their ability to deceive. Such lying fkers.

Buttigieg. He's a CIA asset. No telling what his true history is. He seems to be, like Obama, a construct of the US intelligence apparatus:

Pete Buttigieg: The made-to-order political “outsider”
"This aspect of Buttigieg’s resumé closely resembles that of Barack Obama, who worked for CIA-connected Business International at age 21-22, making connections within the national security apparatus that stood him in good stead during his meteoric political rise. ... From 2007 to 2010, the year before his first mayoral campaign, Buttigieg served as a consultant at McKinsey & Company, an international consulting firm with revenues of over $10 billion." ... t-j15.html

And then there's multi-billionaire Mike Bloomberg. He's attempting to buy the Democratic nomination. I find it amazing that the Democrats, who hate one New York billionaire, would back another New York billionaire. Bloomberg might be able to buy his party's nomination, but he won't be able to buy the election.

And the man seems to be suicidal. Apparently he's thinking of asking Hillary Clinton to run as his vice-president. That's Hillary Clinton with the astronomical body count. In 2016 the husband of her number one aide, Huma Abedin, was busted with a computer full of porno. Also on the computer were thousands of H. Clinton's emails. New York City police were going to make the evidence public, but it was seized by the feds. People who saw what was on the computer haven't fared well:

9 Out Of 12 People Who Saw Anthony Weiner's Laptop Are Dead
Two state senators murdered in their own homes? It doesn’t stop there, please listen to the research that Just Informed Talk shares with us below. ... The NYPD inadvertently discovered the laptop while conducting an investigation into allegations that Anthony Weiner was “sexting” a minor, who reportedly resides in another state. ... What the NYPD Investigators did not expect to run into, was hundreds of thousands of emails pertaining to Hillary Clinton, a 2016 Presidential Candidate and her close advisers...." ... p-are-dead

It may be that Clinton's way to the presidency leads through an assassinated President Bloomberg. The G.H.W. Bush crew tried to kill Reagan just two months into his presidency. Now THAT was an interesting day, with the Bush people trying to get the nuclear codes from the Reagan people. Finally, Alexander Haig (a Reagan guy) stepped forward and said he was in control. That was a message to the world that the CIA had not succeeded in its coup against the president. We might see that again, and I don't think Clinton's assassins would bungle the job.

I'm in control here

Re: 173 Declared Democratic Presidential Candidates

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2020 2:19 pm
by DWill
You know, I can't even believe you're serious. You're putting us on, there's little doubt.

Re: 173 Declared Democratic Presidential Candidates

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 12:15 am
by KindaSkolarly

The Democrats, the party of diversity, had another debate last night. Dem voters will be pleased to see that the party cleared the stage of all those pesky minorities. But they sold a place at a podium to a billionaire, so that's comforting. Business as usual for the National Socialists.

Bloomberg has spent $412 million so far in his short campaign, but it was worth it because he called Bernie Sanders a communist last night. The audience hissed like Linda Blair under a spray of holy water, and it was wonderful to hear. So now, both Trump and Bloomberg have ID'd Sanders as a moth-eaten old Bolshevik. There's enough residual dislike for the Soviet Union in the US to doom Sanders, so unless Bloomberg can just outright buy the nomination, it looks like the Dems will have a brokered convention. That could mean that H. Clinton will take another stab at humiliation, or former teenage prostitute Oprah, or documented America-hater Michelle Obama. The Dems are damned. it looks like Trump by a landslide at this point. He's the only person who can defeat himself.

Re: 173 Declared Democratic Presidential Candidates

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 10:30 pm
by LanDroid
KS wrote:It may be that Clinton's way to the presidency leads through an assassinated President Bloomberg. The G.H.W. Bush crew tried to kill Reagan just two months into his presidency. Now THAT was an interesting day, with the Bush people trying to get the nuclear codes from the Reagan people. Finally, Alexander Haig (a Reagan guy) stepped forward and said he was in control. That was a message to the world that the CIA had not succeeded in its coup against the president. We might see that again, and I don't think Clinton's assassins would bungle the job.
That is atrocious even by KS's low standards. The order of succession is as follows.
Vice President
Speaker of the House
President Pro Tempore of the Senate
Members of the Cabinet

In that video, Haig infamously claims he is next in line behind the VP. Although he was the senior cabinet officer, Haig was 4 or more levels below the President and was never in charge. Haig outed himself as a hot headed buffoon. (As to the rest of that quote, well as Dwill said, ya gotta be puttin' me on.)

Re: 173 Declared Democratic Presidential Candidates

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 11:55 pm
by KindaSkolarly
Bernie Sanders isn't even a Democrat. He's an Independent, yet the Dems are once again letting him juggernaut his way through the nomination process. Biden and Bloomberg are his only rivals, and Bloomberg waited too late. And Biden's a buffoon. He might even be displaying dementia. In the past couple of weeks he said he became a professor after his term as vice-president ended. He didn't. He retracted the claim. He also said that he got arrested in Soweto while marching for the release of Nelson Mandela. He didn't. He had to retract the claim. He said 150 million Americans have been killed by guns in the past few years. That's about half the population. He said he's running for the U.S. Senate in South Carolina. And so on. Dementia. But he won the South Carolina primary, which will probably be the high point of his campaign. Super Tuesday is coming up in a couple of days, and Comrade Sanders will probably walk away with a nice pile of chips.

The leadership of the Democratic Party is panicked. They've indicated that if Sanders doesn't get the 1991 delegates needed to win the party nomination on the first ballot, then they will immediately go to a brokered convention. This would bypass the process whereby the candidates can pledge their delegates in exchange for cabinet positions and so on. Comrade Warren would most likely throw her people to Sanders to insure her inclusion on the ticket as vice-president. But if the DNC (Democratic National Committee, controlled by the Clintons) can go immediately to a brokered convention, then we'll probably see Bloomberg and maybe even H. Clinton on the ticket.

But the fallout from that would be catastrophic. Sanders' supporters are brownshirts. They've been building a pretty impressive record of thuggish behavior lately. And if Sanders is cheated out of the nomination again (as Clinton cheated him out of it in 2016), then we'll probably see riots. At least one riot in Milwaukee, where the Dem convention will be, and maybe riots in the blue (Dem-majority) cities around the country.

Mainstream Democrats don't like the idea of Sanders as a nominee because of what it will do to the other Dems running for office. The House of Representatives flipped from Republican to Democrat in 2018 because a few Republican districts voted for Dems as a protest against Trump. Those districts won't vote for a Bolshevik, and lots of other districts will change from Dem to Rep, thus returning the House of Representatives to Republican control. A Sanders nomination will be a catastrophe for the Democrats.

And now there's the coronavirus to factor into the process. They're talking about canceling the summer Olympics in Tokyo on account of it. The Pope has the coronavirus. The headchoppers are canceling pilgrimages and prayer meetings on account of it. So if and when it hits the U.S. in strength, the CDC and the President might have to take extraordinary steps. Banning large meetings could mean no Democratic convention. We have the technology to do all of the speechifying and voting from home, but Trump's opponents would accuse him of making himself a dictator. And when the riots start, in violation of quarantine protocols, will the peacekeepers open fire?

Bolsheviks ALWAYS ruin the party.

Re: 173 Declared Democratic Presidential Candidates

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 10:41 am
by Cattleman
And then there were two... "Ya pays yer money and ya makes yer choice," attributed to Popeye. :) :| :( :hmm: :yes: :no:

Re: 173 Declared Democratic Presidential Candidates

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 2:59 pm
by Harry Marks
KindaSkolarly wrote: He had to retract the claim.
At least ours admits it when nonsense erupts out of his mouth.
KindaSkolarly wrote:Super Tuesday is coming up in a couple of days, and Comrade Sanders will probably walk away with a nice pile of chips.
That he did. But the astonishingly quick consolidation of the centrists helped Biden pull down about as many. At last count Biden had more. Next week will tell. If Bernie gets less than 55% of the delegates in Michigan, or if Biden gets more than 55% in Washington and Missouri, then the outcome is practically determined.
KindaSkolarly wrote:Comrade Warren would most likely throw her people to Sanders to insure her inclusion on the ticket as vice-president.

I don't think Bernie would offer it to her, and I don't think she would accept it. Sanders will want someone with a labor history and probably some pull with black voters. AOC doesn't work either. An aging HuffPost article lists Cindy Estrada, Liz Shuler and Karen Nussbaum. ... _b_8093630
I know nothing about any of them, but I would rate them more likely than any of the Dem candidates, including Kamala Harris (given 5-2 odds by the Washington Examiner), or Amy Klobuchar (5-1) or than Stacey Abrams (4-1). Tim Ryan would probably be the perfect candidate except that he is male. Kamala Harris didn't demonstrate much pull with black voters, and Stacey Abrams may be too academic to really turn out the Obama vote.
KindaSkolarly wrote:Mainstream Democrats don't like the idea of Sanders as a nominee because of what it will do to the other Dems running for office.
This could be a surprise. Note that Trump in 2016 didn't cost down-ballot Republicans much.
KindaSkolarly wrote:The House of Representatives flipped from Republican to Democrat in 2018 because a few Republican districts voted for Dems as a protest against Trump. Those districts won't vote for a Bolshevik, and lots of other districts will change from Dem to Rep, thus returning the House of Representatives to Republican control. A Sanders nomination will be a catastrophe for the Democrats.
Maybe, but maybe not. Bernie wants a country that runs like Denmark, and a lot of those suburban housewives who rebelled against the party of Moscow Mitch are down with universal daycare, paid parental leave and even Medicare for All. Would they stay home if the choice was between a provider-in-chief and a harasser-in-chief? I wouldn't bank too much on that, if I were you. Remember that Obamacare was as big a factor in the 2018 rout as #MeToo was.
KindaSkolarly wrote:Bolsheviks ALWAYS ruin the party.
And Mensheviks like Bernie always bring a knife to a gun fight? Might be the wrong set of questions. One key question is whether the capitalists are still delivering for working class voters. Frankly they aren't looking too solid on that these days. Remember that the idea of a robot tax was pushed by Bill Gates, a billionaire's billionaire. Divide and conquer may sound like a winning strategy in a country where thinking for yourself is actively encouraged, but thinking has a notorious Democrat bias.

Re: 173 Declared Democratic Presidential Candidates

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 3:34 pm
by Harry Marks
This is as good a place as anywhere to mention my profound sadness at Liz Warren's withdrawal from the race. She was the best of our presidential candidates, by a wide margin. And I say that as someone who did not cast my primary ballot for her. There's a good article in the Atlantic, the beating heart of public policy competency, ... ce/607531/

I have never had deep faith in the competence of democracy. I lived through the 1980 election, when Carter lost for having done the right thing, and 1992 when the same thing happened to George Bush, Sr. (whom I did not support). But I am more committed to democracy than to any other principle except Christianity. If the people are not ready for a whip-smart, articulate, committed fighter like Warren then they will just have to suffer along without her.

Re: 173 Declared Democratic Presidential Candidates

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2020 8:46 pm
by KindaSkolarly
The past week was a tumultuous one for the Democrats. Most of the team shifted right to line up behind Gibbering Joe. We've been told for three years now that Trump could PROBABLY be removed with the 25th Amendment (an incapacitated president), and now the people who preach that are running a candidate who's DEMONSTRABLY incapacitated. A sampling of Biden's most recent gaffes. I especially like the one where he butchers the preamble to the Declaration of Independence and calls God "the thing": ... ou-havent/

Hillary Clinton is in real trouble now, so I guess she won't be able to offer her services as the go-to nominee at a brokered convention. She's finally going to be forced to answer questions about Benghazi and her emails. She will be under oath, so she risks perjury if she answers anything other than, "I don't recall." The Reagan defense. She will emerge from the questioning looking even more befuddled than Biden.

Hillary Clinton Must Be Deposed Over Her Private Email Server Fiasco ... l-n2562725

Interestingly, one of the Democratic candidates that just dropped out of the presidential race is connected to Clinton through the email scandal. Tom Steyer. He's in some email threads connected to Clinton's buddy John Podesta. Pedophile stuff. ... auce-email


Biden's just a token opponent. He's already the subject of a half-dozen financial and ethics probes in congress, and Ukraine just launched a probe to find out where its money went when he was vice-president. Trump will win, primarily because he serves the interests of global money. Obama doubled GW Bush's debt, and Trump will double Obama's. No need to change horses.