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My debut book

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2024 2:42 pm
by tofawriteswhat
Hello! I hopped on this site because I wanted to share with your guys my debut book. Is called " The last plea under the laurel tree." It's a short story about the tragic love story of Daphne and Apollo. If you know the story from Metamorphoses, by Ovid, you'll know what I mean. I was in one of my art classes when the sculpture of Bernini's struck a giant interest in me and I thought " Wouldn't it be cool if I could twist the strings of this story just a little?" It's still tragic, I promise you. Nothing is more tragical than non reciprocal love. Neverless, I leave you to see it, it's on Amazon and you can buy it in paperback or Kindle, is your choice. Regardless, I'm very happy that I get to share it with you. Give me your opinions, feedbacks and anything else if you feel like it.
A lots of love and appreciation, :-D :welcome:

Tofa Raposa.