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A writer trying to make it through life by writing fantasy.

Posted: Thu May 19, 2022 9:13 pm
by twelvescrolls
My name is Katrina M. A. Medrano and I am a writer in the making. I say "making" because my name is not well known. I tried going through traditional publishing, but was rejected by agents and publishers, so I went through the self publish route and that cost money of course (book design, editing, etc.) So far I have published two books (not counting the earlier ones from college, since those are basically not getting published anymore). One is a short story collection of fantasy shorts (An Orphan Named Bunny & Other Short Stories) and the other is the first volume of Kingdom of Wonders (Kingdom of Wonders Book One: Journey to the Crown), another fantasy story.

An Orphan Named Bunny & Other Short Stories
The collection of short stories are stories I made after I graduated college, so this was made through the eyes of a dreamer. The main story of this would be An Orphan Named Bunny, which tells the story of a young girl named Bunny, who has the power of the immortals and meets curious characters like a reincarnated Demon King and members of a reverse harem in a magic academy. The other short stories include Wedding Memories, Dear Mom, and other sweet fantasy stories.
Link to An Orphan Named Bunny & Other Short Stories:

Kingdom of Wonders Book One: Journey to the crown
It tells the story of Mimi, a white cat turned human, but as a human, she has to pretend to be a man to be part of the seven warriors that protects the princess in the Kingdom of Wonders, a world of magic. The warriors and the princess come from our world and must find the princess' crown that has been hidden from the Dark Prince. Besides searching for the crown, Mimi must fight the Dark warriors and protect the princess,. Even though she is a human, she is still a cat in heart and mind, so her sentences end with her signature meow of a cat and her cat habits remain strong. Find out more about Mimi's adventure as the seventh warrior, Michael.
Link to Kingdom of Wonders Book One: Journey to the Crown:

I plan to publish more stories, but only if I can, so please check out the stories when you can and tell me what you think without being mean please. :up: