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Lauren L. Garcia Fantasy Romance e-books and Amazon Gift Card Giveaway! August 29-September 10, 2021

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2021 2:05 pm
by netizen
GIVEAWAY LINK: ... -2-winners

PRIZES: There will be 2 winners of this draw, they will each receive $10USD Amazon gift card and e-book copies of the first three books from the fantasy romance Catalyst Moon series: Book #1 Incursion, Book #2 Breach and Book #3 Surrender.

NOTE: Amazon gift card doesn't have to be in US funds, can be converted to Canadian or UK, where ever Amazon has a site

Lauren L. Garcia has been a storyteller all her life. She started writing down my stories around the age of twelve; two decades and over two million words later, she has shown no sign of stopping. In addition to living in various fantasy worlds of her own making, she earned a BA in English Literature and married her high school sweetheart. She currently reside in North Florida with her husband and pets, where she enjoys hiking, weightlifting, kayaking, and dancing at music festivals. On the Artsy Raven she shares how she started writing, world building a series (she’s written five in a row!) and why she chose to self-publish after pulling her books from a publisher who changed directions.

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