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Two Multicultural Poetry & Art Books For Review

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 11:22 am
by BookBuzz
Two Multicultural Poetry & Art Books For Review

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Rhythmically and Visually Poignant

POEARTISTRY is the poetic rhymes of Rage Sinclaire and the artistry of Andre Rasin in a collection of poetry that is beautiful aesthetically as well as the delivery of wonderful prose. These two gentlemen have created a book that uses pictures to demonstrate the strength of the poems encompassed in this compilation. The poetry covers social and personal issues and the book contains over 35 poems and artistic representations of each poem. It seizes the reader with beautiful artwork and fortifies the strength, honesty and depth of the poetry presented. “Sister Sister” acknowledges the beauty and strength of an African-American woman who has had to deal with the ills of living but she is still worth being exalted. “Mother Who” is a declaration of the one who gives us life. “Endless Possibilities” spoke to my heart through its verses of hope. Libation”, speaks of drinking for celebration as one loses their inhibitions while holding on to dreams. “Home Again” tells the story of living in the inner city and losing your parents to the issues of the times only to end up in foster care but surviving and never forgetting where you come from. The poetry and artistry are wonderful within the pages of this collection. Eclectic in its presentation, POEARTISTRY combines the literary world with the art world for a superb book of rhythmic prose. Each poem is different in rhythm and rhyme but they all have a steady beat, which is amplified when reading them. The poems resonate heartfelt messages, which will stay with a reader long after they finish the collection. Lovers of art and lovers of poetry will definitely embrace this compilation.

Poeartistry: Empathy
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An empathic journey into the poetic and illustrated world of Poeartistry: Empathy

The reader will be immersed poetic prose and vibrant life hues. With connections to the heart and mind this kinetic array spiritual voices will capture the reader in every way imaginable. You will see it, You will hear it, and you will feel It.

You are Poeartistry: Empathy