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Awaken the Demon by H.N.Benson

Posted: Fri May 24, 2019 8:15 pm
by ihieblue13
Vampyre, Love, Loss, Dark Fantasy

When she dug herself out of her own grave, Rosina Talbot knew that her existence was only going to get worse. As a new vampyre, her craving for blood and violence was more than she could bare and the voice in her head did nothing but encourage her worse nightmares to surface. With all the new power and strength that came with being a vampyre, Rosina struggled to keep ahold of her humanity. Every night she woke from her death-like slumber and fought to remain in control of herself. She wept for her lost life and love, but she attempts to makes the best of the new, darker world she finds herself in.
She travels from her home city to a town wrought with evil men. There she finds a new home with a most unexpected companion, a priest. She chose this town to direct her feeding and violence at people that deserved it most. She found that she could live with herself if she no longer fed on the innocent. With time she becomes more adept at being a vampyre and began to allow herself to explore what her supernatural life had to offer, including her new companion. The priest tried to save her, not knowing she was anything other than human. His efforts created a soft spot in her heart for him. She struggled to keep him human even when his discovery of her nature caused him to crave the power to destroy the evil in his town.
With her new vigor for life came more challenges outside of her priest problem. One specifically being: attracting the attention of a group of knights that hunt things like her. She fights to stay alive and to prove to them that she is still human and she strives every day to remain that way. Her refusal to feed on the innocent sways one hunter but this decision leads to his exile and a new hunter being sent to kill her. Tired of being saw as a monster, she travels to Rome to confront this order of knights. Her companions are punished for her sins and she must reveal her true nature to the hunters in order to save them. She is allowed to live, as well as her companions, only because a snake in the den has found a use for her peculiar nature that even she knew nothing about. She enters into an uncomfortable alliance with the Order that she fears will someday show itself to be a mistake.
When she returns from Rome, she chooses to leave the small town she had called home. The part of her that had lain hidden for so long had showed its ugly head and she refused to put the kind-hearted, devoted priest in any more danger simply by being near him. She closes this first chapter in what would be long story that will be her vampyre life with both anguish and excitement.