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Lux Desecrata - A new post-apocalyptic cautionary fable

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 6:00 pm
by HushourJM
There used to be Ten Commandments. Now, there is only One: breed or die.
Two clone sisters move through a devastated America bringing Christmas to the last towns in the empty ash and snow and dark. Christmas is the only Law left. Crosses must be built at Christmas. To build your cross you must be worthy to Breed. To Breed you must be Consecrated.
If you can Breed, the Consecrata bring you Light. If you cannot Breed, they take you out back and shoot you.

Lux Desecrata is a cautionary post-apocalyptic fable that starkly imagines the future that would be if the world ended just a moment ago. Faced with extinction, the survivors bring together science and faith, and once-competing dogmas are forced into a dark alliance.

For the reader who may have wondered what would happen if Margaret Atwood wrote "The Road", now on Amazon!