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"Blitzball": Can a Clone of Hitler Escape His Genes?

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 12:12 am
by bludwig20
#1 Kindle Bestseller in Children's Sports. A Young Adult Dystopian Coming-of-Age Satire


In a book that speaks out against racism, a clone of Hitler battles his genes at Reichfield High where soccer is literally war.

"The tone hits a range of notes between Suzanne Collins' 2010 book, Mockingjay, and Mel Brooks' 1967 film, The Producers." - Kirkus Reviews

Addie has a secret that even he doesn't know. That secret is his genome. He's a clone of Hitler. They all know it and they are waiting. If he finds out, will he be able to stop it? Will he even want to?

Maybe life is better when you're infamous.

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