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Love trUst instinCt betraYal

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 5:07 am
by nathcc
Hello, my name is Nathan Cunningham. I am a male in my mid forties and from England. I am pleased to introduce my first novel, Love trUst instinCt betraYal.

Four years of painstaking word crunching, from absolute beginer, which started when my imagination run a mock one Sunday morning after my fiancee rested her head on my chest, wanting to know more about a dream that I suddenly woke from.

It is the story of girl named Lucy Brown, who is the archetypal girl next door, happy and contented in a strong and loving family unit. But during her teenage and early adult years, a spiritual connection that links her back to a near death experience, helps her unravel her true identity.

Expressing our natural instincts is sometimes helped along by a character in a film, play or book. I think Lucy Brown will encourage readers to feel comfortable conveying theirs.

The story is set in and around the city of Los Angeles, and consists of about 75,000 words. ... t+betrayal ... t+betrayal

Both reviews and of those I know that have read it, all say that the first third of the book isn't as good as the later two.


Re: Love trUst instinCt betraYal

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 12:26 pm
by nathcc
You've booked your holiday and you're wondering what to do during the 4 hour flight?
You've arrived, but what are you going to do beside the pool and beach? Sunbathe of course, but for how long?
And now you've packed and said your goodbyes, half insisting that you're not leaving and when you do, that you'll be back!
Love trUst instinCt betraYal will fill those hours you'll never get back. How better will you feel when those wheels touch the runway having read the final pages?