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The Event (TV show)

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:37 am
by Randy Kadish
Has anyone else been watching it? I'm curious to hear your opinion.

Personally, I'm disappointed. I feel I'm watching a cross between Lost and 24.

Also, I have trouble with the whole idea of aliens. It just doesn't seem believable.

Finally, I don't find the characters especially interesting.


Re: The Event (TV show)

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 11:18 am
by froglipz
I'm watching it, and I believe that if they hadn't cancelled our last few favorites this would not make the cut. We spend very little time watching tv, so if Flash Forward, The Dollhouse, or The Chronicles of Sarah Connor were still running we probably would be watching those and not even know this one existed. I don't like the aliens either, but at least they were up front with it, it wasn't written in hastily to advance a withering story line. We like some of the characters, and the story is ok.