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What's the kookiest of these conspiracy theories?

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 2:06 am
by Chris OConnor
What's the kookiest of these conspiracy theories?

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:49 pm
by johnson1010
I picked the elvis theory.

The government lying to us is not only possible, but very probable. About these particular things...? I don't think that is likely, but they have given us reason to suspect them.

The Elvis thing is just another indication for our desire to worship heroes. These are the goofiest kinds of theories in my opinion, and the least likely to lead to any kind of benefit for the believer.

Re: What's the kookiest of these conspiracy theories?

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:41 am
by phillies4evr
the craziest conspiracy theory is all this talk about 12/21/12. From my vantage point, that date is the end of the Mayan calendar and after that date, their calendar starts over. That is all it is about!

Re: What's the kookiest of these conspiracy theories?

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 10:50 am
by Interbane
I picked aliens. People see strange flying aircraft around an Air Force test installation. They think it's more likely aliens than prototype aircraft. Baffles me.

Re: What's the kookiest of these conspiracy theories?

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 12:38 pm
by phillies4evr
Interbane........i don't believe in aliens either!!!!!!!! little green men, horns....the only one that I remember is the great gazoo from the Flintstones! LOL

Re: What's the kookiest of these conspiracy theories?

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 1:28 pm
by toodeemo
Gotta be 9/11.

First of all, there is no reasonable benefit to blowing up the towers or the Pentagon or wherever the other plane was going. The United States government derived nothing out of those attacks. Now I know, the lunatics will say it had something to do with getting us into a war with ANYBODY in the Middle East, and it had something to do with oil, and something to do with Saddam Hussein threatening W's daddy or some nonsense. The fact is, if we wanted to start a war in the Middle East, we had plenty of reasons before 9/11 to do it. Our interests abroad have been at risk for over a decade becasue of terrorist groups. We didn't need an excuse.

Secondly, there is no way the amount of people needed to pull that off would have been able to keep the secret. Somebody in the loop would have leaked the conspiracy either on purpose or by mistake. Too much of a paper trail. Too much "chatter" would have been needed. The chances of something that big being kept secret before and more importantly after the attack are slim to none or less.

Thirdly, W was just not THAT evil. He's a prick. He's a bad man in essence. He's a liar. And he has done things to the people of this country for which he should never be forgiven. HOWEVER, as much as I hate the guy...and I truly DO hate the guy...I can't believe he would have been involved in such a conspiracy, nor would he have allowed it to happen. As I said, he isn't that evil. And more importantly, he isn't that smart.

Conspiracy theories from the ridiculous to the mildly credible have all been disproven. When one of the conspiracy theorists find out a theory is disproven, they come back with a response that is equivalent to "Yeah, but..." There is no real evidence to support such a consipracy. All of the credible evidence and science goes beyond that and disproves the arguments for it.

So that's it. The 9/11 conspiracy theories are the mindless rantings of a bunch of lunatics in my book.

Re: What's the kookiest of these conspiracy theories?

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 1:58 pm
by phillies4evr
Gotta be 9/11.

First of all, there is no reasonable benefit to blowing up the towers or the Pentagon or wherever the other plane was going. The United States government derived nothing out of those attacks. Now I know, the lunatics will say it had something to do with getting us into a war with ANYBODY in the Middle East, and it had something to do with oil, and something to do with Saddam Hussein threatening W's daddy or some nonsense. The fact is, if we wanted to start a war in the Middle East, we had plenty of reasons before 9/11 to do it. Our interests abroad have been at risk for over a decade becasue of terrorist groups. We didn't need an excuse.

Secondly, there is no way the amount of people needed to pull that off would have been able to keep the secret. Somebody in the loop would have leaked the conspiracy either on purpose or by mistake. Too much of a paper trail. Too much "chatter" would have been needed. The chances of something that big being kept secret before and more importantly after the attack are slim to none or less.

Thirdly, W was just not THAT evil. He's a prick. He's a bad man in essence. He's a liar. And he has done things to the people of this country for which he should never be forgiven. HOWEVER, as much as I hate the guy...and I truly DO hate the guy...I can't believe he would have been involved in such a conspiracy, nor would he have allowed it to happen. As I said, he isn't that evil. And more importantly, he isn't that smart.

Conspiracy theories from the ridiculous to the mildly credible have all been disproven. When one of the conspiracy theorists find out a theory is disproven, they come back with a response that is equivalent to "Yeah, but..." There is no real evidence to support such a consipracy. All of the credible evidence and science goes beyond that and disproves the arguments for it.

So that's it. The 9/11 conspiracy theories are the mindless rantings of a bunch of lunatics in my book.

this time believe it or not,I agree with you! Although some crazy people say that 9/11 was some kind of government ploy, why on God's green earth would President Bush or anybody else in the government at that time want to blow up and kill as many Americans as were killed on that day. Even though a good portion of our government is corrupt, there is absolutely no way that someone from this country would do this on purpose just so that we can start a war with other nations. After all, we have proof that flying instructions were being given to people who lived outside of this country and somehow gained citizenship along with their families for one reason or another. Those particular people were somehow brainwashed into thinking that they would be heros in the country that they were from if they created this act of terrorism and killed as many people as they did that day. They were told that when they crashed the planes, not only would so many American lives be lost but that they would lose their own lives for the good of their country. At first I didn't think that retaliation on our part was the answer, but, after thinking about it long and hard, I became to realize that that was the only way to get back at those people who so viciously attacked us.

But, getting back to the subject at hand, 9/11 was definitely not induced in any way, shape or form by any government official in this country. It is outrageous that some people think those things!

Re: What's the kookiest of these conspiracy theories?

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 2:13 pm
by toodeemo
@Phillies4ever, I'm not surprised you agree with me. Everybody has moments of lucidity.

Re: What's the kookiest of these conspiracy theories?

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 2:22 pm
by johnson1010
I totally agree that 9/11 was not a US govt. move.

However, It should be noted that false flag attacks have been routinely utilized by our government to incite wars. With the dazzling track record of our country, i can see how this conspiracy might be found credible to some.

It was their religious faith which allowed them to reconcile their immediate suicide and the murder of thousands of people as a viable choice. As a martyr, they get direct access to paradise, forgoing the rigorous trial at the gate, and also allowing them to permit access for an additional 70 people, based on their say-so.

Another gem brought to us by magical thinking.

Re: What's the kookiest of these conspiracy theories?

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 2:33 pm
by toodeemo
johnson1010 wrote:I totally agree that 9/11 was not a US govt. move.

However, It should be noted that false flag attacks have been routinely utilized by our government to incite wars. With the dazzling track record of our country, i can see how this conspiracy might be found credible to some.

It was their religious faith which allowed them to reconcile their immediate suicide and the murder of thousands of people as a viable choice. As a martyr, they get direct access to paradise, forgoing the rigorous trial at the gate, and also allowing them to permit access for an additional 70 people, based on their say-so.

Another gem brought to us by magical thinking.
Johnson, yes I agree that we have done things to "draw" ourselves into conflict There are some who say we knew Pearl Harbor was going to be attacked that day but did little or nothing to stop it so we would have a reason to enter the war in the Pacific. I don't know if that's true. But don't get me wrong. I'm not beyond believing our government is capable of doing things like that. However, 9/11 would have involved affirmative action against the homeland. Or at least it would have if the conspiracy theories are true.

That and the impossible logistics involved prove to me that it just didn't happen that way.