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Fields of Color - The Theory that Escaped Einstein

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 9:58 am
by QF_Theory
Fields of Color explains Quantum Field Theory to a lay audience without equations. It shows how this overlooked and misunderstood theory resolves the weirdness of Quantum Mechanics and the paradoxes of Relativity. ... 473179768/
Reviews are welcome - thank you! :thanks2:

Some reviews from Amazon:
I now realize that from all the popular books on physics that I have read or skimmed, and there have been many, I have learned nothing! But your book I remember very well, and not only that but I feel that I finally understand relativity intuitively, as much as I possibly can for a layman (and, in a way, perhaps better than many physicists). You really have something to say, and what you say sticks to the ribs when the book is gone. --Arthur Schwartz, M.D.

Although many books have been written about the interpretation of quantum physics, Rodney Brooks has written a book that finally gets it entirely right... Brooks presents the news about quantum field theory in a non-technical but accurate manner that will enlighten both the general public and the professional scientists. His explanatory technique of using different colors to represent different fields is a stroke of pedagogical genius. Anybody who wants to understand quantum physics should read this book. --Art Hobson, Ph.D., 2006 Milllikan Award winner and author of "Physics: Concepts and Connections"

Applying Quantum Field Theory [to wave-particle duality] is shown to cause the 'paradox' to disappear. Further, Brooks' attack on Special Relativity based on the behavior of fields presents the reader with a more easily understandable picture... Despite the fact that Dr. Brooks has essentially rejected the use of mathematics throughout, there is plenty here for specialist and interested reader to ponder. --Edward Finn, Ph.D., past Chairman of Physics at Georgetown University and co-author of the textbook "Physics"