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Re: Ch. 2: Who was the first person?

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 11:45 am
by DWill
Thinking of all I've read about resistance to accepting the AGW thesis, I can't recall seeing anyone identifying creationism as a major obstacle, and I think for good reason. While I don't doubt that extreme religious conservatism would correlate with non-acceptance of AGW, worldwide I don't think creationism is that significant. Here in the U.S. it's probably the libertarian conservatives who are more gung-ho against it, because acting requires top-down govt. action, a bad thing apart any religious belief. Or take China, not a land of creationists but probably the biggest contributor of greenhouse gases. That country's current excuse for doing so little to abate the problem is that the U.S. has balked. But if this were not the case with the U.S., is anyone so naive as to believe that China would stop constructing a coal-fired power plant every week? The resistance to AGW is one big case of WYSIATI combined with ingrained conservatism and wishful thinking.