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"The Glass Bead Game", Chapter 7, In Office

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 10:57 pm
by Suzanne
The Glass Bead Game
Hermann Hesse

Chapter 7

Re: "The Glass Bead Game", Chapter 7, In Office

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 10:47 am
by LanDroid

I admit, I've been struggling with this book. Although I read in as a Sr. in HS and was looking forward to it, I've been bored with the descriptions of diplomatic missions back and forth, the interpersonal relationships in the rarified atmospheres of Castalia and the monastery, and so on... I've been debating about whether I can handle the rest of the book, over 300 pages to go...

But now I say AHA! because one of the few snippets I recall from reading this book so many years ago was the glass bead game based on the building of a Chinese house. I just reached that point and now I'm feeling more optimistic, we'll see......

Re: "The Glass Bead Game", Chapter 7, In Office

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:47 pm
by hesse
Good for you, Lan!

Please consider this: Feng Shui was actually a 'building code' incorporating specific areas of the cosmos in the initial 'blueprint' phase of construction. Today we have a westernized version whereby you can change some drapes and the position of your furniture to get the desired energy flow....

Now apply the rules of Feng Shui to the GBG, an already constructed institution. Might as well hang some drapes....but maybe Elder Brother knew this.....