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New kid on the block

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 7:03 am
by Susiemax
Hi I'm new to this forum and I'm looking forward to sharing posts with everyone.

I've been lucky enough to recently have been published with my debut novel, Cassandra by Starlight.

It's set in London, in the West End theatre and film world, and is the story of an older woman and younger man meeting under tragic circumstances and falling in love. It's spiced up with psychopathic stalkers, a deranged mother who wants her dead son back, a love story that faces a lot of challenges and of course, the two lovers, Cassie and Bennett, getting to know each other.

It's available via my website Feel free to take a look...

Speak soon!

Re: New kid on the block

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:45 am
by mockingbird
Well done Susiemax. Was your road to publication full of pitfalls and rejections? Great idea writing about the theatre world.

Re: New kid on the block

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 8:06 am
by Susiemax
Hi mockingbird. Sorry if this is long answer to a short question. Actually this was a bit of a Cinderella story! Pretty karmic...I had the idea for it when I saw a local news article about some twit throwing a concrete bucket off a motorway bridge onto someone's car and the woman in the car was badly injured. This is how my book starts, only it's a someone throwing themselves off the bridge onto her car. She ends up in hospital, the older brother of the jumper goes to see her, he's an up and coming film star and that's how the romance all starts. The leading man was inspired by someone in the UK, an up and coming film star himself, a man called Benedict Cumberbatch. So once I had these two ideas in Feb this year, I started writing and didn't stop until I had the trilogy. In the meantime I had a random connection (linked to said Cumberbatch) who was connected with a random publisher called Boroughs on Linked in. They sent me an invite to connect and I did, thinking, it might come in useful one day. Then once I'd finished the books, I sent it to them and whammy! they liked it and that's where it all began. So by June I had my contract from the first publisher I submitted to. Lucky? I don't believe in luck, I think things happen for a reason. Action and consequence, cause and effect...Now I'm on my seventh novel, having another five in the pipeline with Boroughs (I know, I'm a prolific writer, my poor family are so neglected and my day job suffers too!) and just enjoying this whole new focus.
So there you have it ...

Re: New kid on the block

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 11:40 am
by mockingbird
That's quite amazing, Susiemax. I've been writing for 15 years and only now have I been discovered after so much despairing rejections. At least I have the likes of Stephen King who went thru the same. But I wish you all the best for your future in writing.