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We want to read your story

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 10:17 am
by Review Worm is looking for the "Best Story Ever Told". If you have recently published a book or have one in the pipeline, we have Reviewers looking to read it. We are looking for a book we can't stop talking you have it?

Check us out at :mrgreen:

Re: We want to read your story

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 12:55 pm
by JFRobot
I guess i'll submit ours.

EDIT: never mind: don't have a pay of paying it.

Re: We want to read your story

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 6:30 am
by writerjohnb
What good is a paid-for review?

Re: We want to read your story

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 10:06 am
by Review Worm
I'm glad you asked - You are not truly paying for the Reviewer's content, but their "time" to read your book from our site. We believe that everyone's time has value. The Book Reviews that produce from our site, offer a marketing tool and not just text to post on one retailer site. A solid review written with honesty and quality in mind, can transcend into book sells. Authors don't think many times about all the ways to market their book and don't take the content and do anything other than post on Amazon. When in fact, there are much more ways to use that feedback. A few days ago an author ordered one of our reviews and received a 3-Star review. He said "just by looking at the rating I might not have agreed" but when I read through what the reviewer had to say I realized that by being able to select the reviewer that was in my audience, I was able to learn things about my book, truly I had overlooked. It was the highest quality review I had ever read with regard too my books and even though critical in areas, I could use this information to improve the rest of the series." He went on to say; "This type of service is nothing less than brilliant as I was able to choose who read my book, I was able to see how they write and I was able to communicate directly with them and from now on, this is where I'll get my Reviews.". So John, I think you need to look beyond using a FREE review or a Paid review in only one area. I don't speak against FREE reviews, I'm merely saying a Reviewers time has value and that there are authors out there that have received FREE reviews and could not use them in any capacity and they had no depth or real knowledge of the book. And they did not encourage more book sales. My service provides you as the author to be in control of who you pick and see the writing style of the Reviewer and our Reviewers love to read books in their genre. Some services require them to read books that they are not truly interested in, which causes the Reviewer not to generate a solid Review. If you have been happy with the FREE reviews that you receive, and they generate book sales, then I say "if its not broke, don't fix it". However, if you are looking for more of a quality review to be used in a variety of ways to market, then you should try our service. Thanks for the question.

Re: We want to read your story

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:26 pm
by paisleybruce
I think there's a real stigma associated with paid reviews because of the way that some authors took complete advantage. Unfortunately, that affects all writers, including myself. So even if you offer an honest service, charging for the "time" one puts into reading and then writing a review, it will be looked upon by many as suspect. Unfortunate.

Re: We want to read your story

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:42 pm
by Review Worm
yes Unfortunate that many of us, allow what others do, determine the outcome of our own destiny. Apple didn't have the best reputation at one time, look at them now :) There are plenty of authors who don't allow others to dictate how they market - and they will maintain their status above others who gravitate to the "norm". When authors decide that just one Retailer is not their only avenue and the fact that they can use the Review on a larger landscape, well - change is coming to those who have larger dreams. We are here to support Authors no matter if they use our service or not. They love to write and we love to market - sooner or later, it will be realized.

Re: We want to read your story

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 3:03 pm
by evelon
You say that your reviews start at $100! There are people out there who will willingly review a book as long as you provide a copy of it. Why should an author pay your price? What can he expect for the extra layout?

There are pitfalls out there for the self published and I think this is one of them. Better to have mediocre genuine reviews pointing out strengths and weaknesses in your book, than paid for ones that may well sugar-coat the message because of the money paid. Let's face it, if you give someone a good review, he'll be far more inclined to do your advertising for you. You wouldn't get much from a poor review.


Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 7:19 am
by authorKerryLConnelly
HI all...
HAVE YOU EVER thought how much the idea of superstition could be really impacting our lives? Or the concept that we may all very well have be born with a karmic tally board of which we can accumulate and loose points on through life?
OR have you just had a rubbish chain of first dates,ever been called 'snappy', had an unattainable love or has someone ever asked to buy your knickers?

These are just some of the chapters in my new book 'Observation City' - witty reflections on the ideas of life and the behaviours of the people in it.

I'd love to discuss it with those who would like to have a read of it! So far it is recieving positive reviews.

-hope to hear from you!
Kerry Louise Connelly

Re: We want to read your story

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 7:20 am
by authorKerryLConnelly
Observation City

If anyone is interested i would be happy to give you a discount code (search title or author and connect with me)