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12 Book Marketing Strategies You Need to Be Successful

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 2:30 am
by Ryan T
There is a lot of misinformation out there about the different ways that you can market your books. Specifically when it comes to actually getting results.

I've created a video of the 12 marketing strategies that I have used over the past year that enabled me to quit my day job and just sell books. I think it would benefit a lot of you to check it out. Some of the things are common sense, yes, but others aren't. The big thing here is that no one marketing strategy is going to take you to the top. It's a combined effort of all of these put together, PLUS a good title and a good cover for each book that you have.

Anyways here is the video!

12 Book Marketing Strategies You Need to Be Successful

Let me know if there is anything you guys think I'm missing, or if you've tried these and they didn't work for you.

Re: 12 Book Marketing Strategies You Need to Be Successful

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 4:15 am
by Raul Sanchez
thank you for the post. But the text of the video transcription could be better structured visually in the blog with something that separates the main concepts, bold letter, bullets, etc... the text is long. Maybe you could separate it in pre-launch, launch, and post-launch main points.