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Covid-19 Omicron variant

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2021 8:59 pm
by LanDroid
According to Dr. John Campbell, virtually everyone on the planet will encounter the extremely fast spreading Omicron variant by Christmas and almost certainly by the end of January. At this point he is optimistic that the effects will be milder than previous variants. But others include warnings such as the data originating in South Africa about mild effects could be misleading because that population is much younger than average. It's much too early to be sure about that, see quote at the bottom of this post.

Check out at least the first 30 seconds of Dr. Campbell's youtube post today 12/7/2021.

Death is a lagging indicator. It takes time to progress to serious infection. It takes time for more serious infections to follow.

Dr. William Schaffner
Medical director at the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases and an infectious diseases expert at Vanderbilt University ... t/38449265#

Re: Covid-19 Omicron variant

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2021 9:19 pm
by LanDroid
What are you doing about this, if anything?
  • I'm vax'd and boostered, but not relaxed.
  • I wear a mask only where required. Need to rethink that...
  • I put the gym membership on hold for 3 months. Hadn't gone in a long time. Now I'm about to cancel it.
  • Humans are too short sighted to distribute vaccines globally to reduce infection and variations. More variants will come.
  • Humans are too dumb to fight something this sophisticated. Half of the first world population is rooting for the virus! :coco:

Re: Covid-19 Omicron variant

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2021 6:08 am
by Robert Tulip
Yes, John Campbell is very good.

I had the following letter published today in The Australian, responding to a journalist article.
Adam Creighton is mistaken in asserting that stopping transmission of Covid-19 is the only justification for mandating vaccines. The bigger reason is that the unvaccinated are far more likely to end up in hospital, where they hog the care that our medical system would otherwise give to non-Covid patients. Delays to vital operations are a direct result of vaccine refusal. Doctors and nurses are rightly angry that more than 90 per cent of Covid sufferers requiring the most specialist care are unvaccinated.

Re: Covid-19 Omicron variant

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 4:09 am
by Jim Watters
Among many others, I've been watching Dr. John Campbell since the beginning days of the pandemic. I've had 3 Pfizer vaccine shots and believe I had the original Wuhan SARS-CoV-2 strain for a few weeks back in early March 2020 before there were PCR tests for the virus. I've concentrated on improving my immune system terrain via various vitamins and minerals that doctors have recommended and recently switched to a 0-sugar diet, which I should have done earlier. I'm fortunate to be able to spend the majority of the last 2 years at home everyday, only leaving for doctor appointments and getting online ordered food placed in the trunk of my car. I still wear masks during these trips.

My 83 year old step-father died of the Delta variant in September, having gotten the first Pfizer shots in December 2020 and January 2021, just before approval of the booster by the CDC. He had been isolated in a physical rehabilitation center for more than 1.5 years (after having a stroke about 2.5 years ago) and over 70 of the 90 patients in that rehab caught and died of the Delta wave in September.

I'm optimistic that the Omicron variant, while more contagious with a higher R-nought, is less deadly with few if any Long-Covid cases. If so, hopefully it will gain dominance over Delta and other strains and become a managed seasonal pathogen.

Re: Covid-19 Omicron variant

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 10:15 am
by Chris OConnor
Jim Watters wrote: Sat Dec 11, 2021 4:09 am I'm optimistic that the Omicron variant, while more contagious with a higher R-nought, is less deadly with few if any Long-Covid cases. If so, hopefully it will gain dominance over Delta and other strains and become a managed seasonal pathogen.
This is my hope too. I'm emotionally exhausted from this pandemic. We all are. I'll happily get a booster ever year or semi-annually if we can go back to some semblance of normality.

Re: Covid-19 Omicron variant

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2021 5:16 am
by LanDroid
I'm skeptical of this optimism about Omicron having mild symptoms and actually providing the benefit of turning Covid-19 into a low level endemic situation. It may be mild compared to other variants, but again they're saying Omicron will "knock on the door and ask WAZZUP?" to every human on the planet by the end of January. It appears the only folks with significant immunity are those who have received the Moderna booster 3rd shot. (Yay for me!) It seems to me that mild symptoms multiplied by nearly 8 billion humans = a devastating situation! If everyone who gets it needs to quarantine for a week, isn't everything going to shut down again?

I truly hope my fears are unfounded. The UK is a few weeks ahead of the U.S. and they don't appear to be devastated. We will know in one month.

Mr. Tulip might want to watch this episode with Dr. John Campbell from 12/22/21 where he discusses Australia in more detail. He plays a clip where someone advocates moving from mandates to a culture of personal responsibility. I hope that works down under, because personal responsibility has failed in the U.S. Anti-vaxxers arriving at the hospital with Covid attack health care workers if they don't administer the quack cures the patient prefers.

Re: Covid-19 Omicron variant

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2021 9:44 am
by Mr. P
I too was lucky to get the Moderna trifecta!!

Re: Covid-19 Omicron variant

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2021 11:27 am
by Chris OConnor
My wife and son got the Pfizer vaccines and I received Moderna. So many people are sick right now around us... but they aren't testing positive for Covid. I guess colds are going around too.

Re: Covid-19 Omicron variant

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 7:49 pm
by Jim Watters
Here's another YouTube channel I've been watching since the beginning of the CCP pandemic. He gets into the data of Omicron which appears to show it's as contagious as measles, but not much worse than a cold.

Re: Covid-19 Omicron variant

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 8:53 pm
by LanDroid
Well, that does look encouraging, thanks.

However, I'm looking at a Twitter thread that's semi-anecdotal involving a meeting of 33 triple vaxed health care workers. All had negative tests ahead of the event. 21 became infected. All 21 reported symptoms, some moderate to severe. 2/3 getting infected in a group of very careful people does not bode well for the population at large. (I can't figure out how to link the Twitter thread here, maybe later.)