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173 Declared Democratic Presidential Candidates

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Re: 173 Declared Democratic Presidential Candidates

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Bernie Sanders isn't even a Democrat. He's an Independent, yet the Dems are once again letting him juggernaut his way through the nomination process. Biden and Bloomberg are his only rivals, and Bloomberg waited too late. And Biden's a buffoon. He might even be displaying dementia. In the past couple of weeks he said he became a professor after his term as vice-president ended. He didn't. He retracted the claim. He also said that he got arrested in Soweto while marching for the release of Nelson Mandela. He didn't. He had to retract the claim. He said 150 million Americans have been killed by guns in the past few years. That's about half the population. He said he's running for the U.S. Senate in South Carolina. And so on. Dementia. But he won the South Carolina primary, which will probably be the high point of his campaign. Super Tuesday is coming up in a couple of days, and Comrade Sanders will probably walk away with a nice pile of chips.

The leadership of the Democratic Party is panicked. They've indicated that if Sanders doesn't get the 1991 delegates needed to win the party nomination on the first ballot, then they will immediately go to a brokered convention. This would bypass the process whereby the candidates can pledge their delegates in exchange for cabinet positions and so on. Comrade Warren would most likely throw her people to Sanders to insure her inclusion on the ticket as vice-president. But if the DNC (Democratic National Committee, controlled by the Clintons) can go immediately to a brokered convention, then we'll probably see Bloomberg and maybe even H. Clinton on the ticket.

But the fallout from that would be catastrophic. Sanders' supporters are brownshirts. They've been building a pretty impressive record of thuggish behavior lately. And if Sanders is cheated out of the nomination again (as Clinton cheated him out of it in 2016), then we'll probably see riots. At least one riot in Milwaukee, where the Dem convention will be, and maybe riots in the blue (Dem-majority) cities around the country.

Mainstream Democrats don't like the idea of Sanders as a nominee because of what it will do to the other Dems running for office. The House of Representatives flipped from Republican to Democrat in 2018 because a few Republican districts voted for Dems as a protest against Trump. Those districts won't vote for a Bolshevik, and lots of other districts will change from Dem to Rep, thus returning the House of Representatives to Republican control. A Sanders nomination will be a catastrophe for the Democrats.

And now there's the coronavirus to factor into the process. They're talking about canceling the summer Olympics in Tokyo on account of it. The Pope has the coronavirus. The headchoppers are canceling pilgrimages and prayer meetings on account of it. So if and when it hits the U.S. in strength, the CDC and the President might have to take extraordinary steps. Banning large meetings could mean no Democratic convention. We have the technology to do all of the speechifying and voting from home, but Trump's opponents would accuse him of making himself a dictator. And when the riots start, in violation of quarantine protocols, will the peacekeepers open fire?

Bolsheviks ALWAYS ruin the party.
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Re: 173 Declared Democratic Presidential Candidates

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And then there were two... "Ya pays yer money and ya makes yer choice," attributed to Popeye. :) :| :( :hmm: :yes: :no:
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Harry Marks
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Re: 173 Declared Democratic Presidential Candidates

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KindaSkolarly wrote: He had to retract the claim.
At least ours admits it when nonsense erupts out of his mouth.
KindaSkolarly wrote:Super Tuesday is coming up in a couple of days, and Comrade Sanders will probably walk away with a nice pile of chips.
That he did. But the astonishingly quick consolidation of the centrists helped Biden pull down about as many. At last count Biden had more. Next week will tell. If Bernie gets less than 55% of the delegates in Michigan, or if Biden gets more than 55% in Washington and Missouri, then the outcome is practically determined.
KindaSkolarly wrote:Comrade Warren would most likely throw her people to Sanders to insure her inclusion on the ticket as vice-president.

I don't think Bernie would offer it to her, and I don't think she would accept it. Sanders will want someone with a labor history and probably some pull with black voters. AOC doesn't work either. An aging HuffPost article lists Cindy Estrada, Liz Shuler and Karen Nussbaum.
https://www.huffpost.com/entry/five-wom ... _b_8093630
I know nothing about any of them, but I would rate them more likely than any of the Dem candidates, including Kamala Harris (given 5-2 odds by the Washington Examiner), or Amy Klobuchar (5-1) or than Stacey Abrams (4-1). Tim Ryan would probably be the perfect candidate except that he is male. Kamala Harris didn't demonstrate much pull with black voters, and Stacey Abrams may be too academic to really turn out the Obama vote.
KindaSkolarly wrote:Mainstream Democrats don't like the idea of Sanders as a nominee because of what it will do to the other Dems running for office.
This could be a surprise. Note that Trump in 2016 didn't cost down-ballot Republicans much.
KindaSkolarly wrote:The House of Representatives flipped from Republican to Democrat in 2018 because a few Republican districts voted for Dems as a protest against Trump. Those districts won't vote for a Bolshevik, and lots of other districts will change from Dem to Rep, thus returning the House of Representatives to Republican control. A Sanders nomination will be a catastrophe for the Democrats.
Maybe, but maybe not. Bernie wants a country that runs like Denmark, and a lot of those suburban housewives who rebelled against the party of Moscow Mitch are down with universal daycare, paid parental leave and even Medicare for All. Would they stay home if the choice was between a provider-in-chief and a harasser-in-chief? I wouldn't bank too much on that, if I were you. Remember that Obamacare was as big a factor in the 2018 rout as #MeToo was.
KindaSkolarly wrote:Bolsheviks ALWAYS ruin the party.
And Mensheviks like Bernie always bring a knife to a gun fight? Might be the wrong set of questions. One key question is whether the capitalists are still delivering for working class voters. Frankly they aren't looking too solid on that these days. Remember that the idea of a robot tax was pushed by Bill Gates, a billionaire's billionaire. Divide and conquer may sound like a winning strategy in a country where thinking for yourself is actively encouraged, but thinking has a notorious Democrat bias.
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Re: 173 Declared Democratic Presidential Candidates

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This is as good a place as anywhere to mention my profound sadness at Liz Warren's withdrawal from the race. She was the best of our presidential candidates, by a wide margin. And I say that as someone who did not cast my primary ballot for her. There's a good article in the Atlantic, the beating heart of public policy competency,
https://www.theatlantic.com/culture/arc ... ce/607531/

I have never had deep faith in the competence of democracy. I lived through the 1980 election, when Carter lost for having done the right thing, and 1992 when the same thing happened to George Bush, Sr. (whom I did not support). But I am more committed to democracy than to any other principle except Christianity. If the people are not ready for a whip-smart, articulate, committed fighter like Warren then they will just have to suffer along without her.

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Re: 173 Declared Democratic Presidential Candidates

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The past week was a tumultuous one for the Democrats. Most of the team shifted right to line up behind Gibbering Joe. We've been told for three years now that Trump could PROBABLY be removed with the 25th Amendment (an incapacitated president), and now the people who preach that are running a candidate who's DEMONSTRABLY incapacitated. A sampling of Biden's most recent gaffes. I especially like the one where he butchers the preamble to the Declaration of Independence and calls God "the thing":

investmentwatchblog.com/please-go-and-w ... ou-havent/

Hillary Clinton is in real trouble now, so I guess she won't be able to offer her services as the go-to nominee at a brokered convention. She's finally going to be forced to answer questions about Benghazi and her emails. She will be under oath, so she risks perjury if she answers anything other than, "I don't recall." The Reagan defense. She will emerge from the questioning looking even more befuddled than Biden.

Hillary Clinton Must Be Deposed Over Her Private Email Server Fiasco
townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2020/03 ... l-n2562725

Interestingly, one of the Democratic candidates that just dropped out of the presidential race is connected to Clinton through the email scandal. Tom Steyer. He's in some email threads connected to Clinton's buddy John Podesta. Pedophile stuff.

fellowshipoftheminds.com/the-man-behind ... auce-email


Biden's just a token opponent. He's already the subject of a half-dozen financial and ethics probes in congress, and Ukraine just launched a probe to find out where its money went when he was vice-president. Trump will win, primarily because he serves the interests of global money. Obama doubled GW Bush's debt, and Trump will double Obama's. No need to change horses.
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Re: 173 Declared Democratic Presidential Candidates

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It's a mystery to me why Biden and Sanders have become the frontrunners in this race. Then again, Donald Trump is currently our president. How did that happen again?

I agree with Harry that Elizabeth Warren is probably one of the smartest, most capable candidates we've seen in some time. I really liked Amy Klobuchar as well. I guess our best hope is that Biden or Sanders will pick one of them as his running mate.

Meanwhile, the right is still talking about Hillary Clinton's emails. They want to question her again about Benghazi. Oh, and Tom Steyer is apparently caught in an email with Clinton's buddy John Podesta in which they discuss "walnut sauce"—which is code for having sex with children of color! You won't read about that in the Wall Street Journal!
Question everything
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Re: 173 Declared Democratic Presidential Candidates

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Oh Lawdy, there have already been TEN investigations of Benghazi and emails. Hillary spent 11 hours testifying under oath in one of them. Yet we still need another investigation? Why don't we set up a 4th branch of Government to investigate this 24/7/365 until the end of time? Just imagine it - we could have the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches plus another co-equal branch called "The Perma-Distraction: Focus on this do not look over there!"
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Re: 173 Declared Democratic Presidential Candidates

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So Biden has pretty much swept the table on Mini-Tuesday, although Washington is about even. The big remaining question is the veep candidate. My wife has convinced me that Biden needs to pick a tested, reassuring choice more than he needs to appeal to Hispanic voters who like Bernie.

Here was my take on Bernie's possible choices: "I would rate them [labor leaders] more likely than any of the Dem candidates, including Kamala Harris (given 5-2 odds by the Washington Examiner), or Amy Klobuchar (5-1) or than Stacey Abrams (4-1). Tim Ryan would probably be the perfect candidate except that he is male. Kamala Harris didn't demonstrate much pull with black voters, and Stacey Abrams may be too academic to really turn out the Obama vote."

So, while Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico might be a good choice for Biden, (I have never heard her speak) I am thinking Amy Klobuchar would make a better choice. Stacey Abrams could be an interesting option, but I don't think voters consolidated around Biden to get "interesting". The Blue Wall can be taken back, although Wisconsin and Ohio are looking terribly difficult at the moment (and Florida may not be in play), and Klobuchar seems to me just the one to do it. She has a very practical and down-to-earth appeal, and Trump has hardly rolled back the trade deals that were the focus of anger in 2016. The Midwest may give him full marks for trying, but farmers are not at all solid behind him.

Trump has made enough dumb remarks about cuts and medical care that I think he is terribly vulnerable there.

Of course the latest stock market plunges may make all this academic. There is real fear on Wall Street that the price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia could cause fracking firms to go belly up on a large scale: they are highly leveraged and prices have already been too low for profitability for months. If there is a quick recovery from the coronavirus, and oil demand comes back before June, this could all amount to a blip. But if things stay as they are today, for 3 months, we will probably go into a recession and it could even be serious, with tumbling auto sales and banks reluctant to lend to hurting businesses.

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Re: 173 Declared Democratic Presidential Candidates

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The Democratic establishment will now do everything it can to hide Biden in a cave until November. The other day he told an auto-worker that he was full of shit. He (Biden) had the deer-in-the-headlights Alzheimer's glaze in his eyes during the exchange. He's deteriorating quickly. Leftist pundits refer to his demented verbalizations as a "stutter," but it's dementia.

At any rate, the DNC removed smart-as-a-whip Tulsi Gabbard from the March 15 debate stage. She qualified for inclusion because she has delegates (just 2, but still that qualified her), so the DNC changed the rules. Now they have only Sanders to get rid of. Some folks think he may suffer another heart attack in the next four days. Or a coronavirus emergency may shut down the debate venue. And some Dems think they should just cancel all further debates and primaries because Biden is The One. To Sanders' credit he's not giving up. And he's going to turn Biden into a stammering fool in the debate unless the moderators run interference. It is truly horrific how the Democratic Party is trying to place a plainly senile candidate in the White House.

Clyburn calls for Democrats to 'shut this primary down' if Biden has big night
nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/clyb ... on_results

Media Begins To Float Hillary as Democrat Savior as Bernie Falters and Biden Fumbles
stationgossip.com/2020/03/media-begins- ... ry-as.html

Former Warren staffers show off tattoos to memorialize campaign — and are stunned by the outrage over the image they chose (Think Auschwitz)
hideoutnow.com/2020/03/former-warren-st ... ttoos.html


Psychologist: Big Tech Will Use “Subliminal Methods” to Shift 15 Million Votes on Election Day - Warns it will cost Trump the election.
infowars.com/psychologist-big-tech-will ... ction-day/

Hillary Clinton has been ordered to give sworn testimony regarding her criminal activities while Secretary of State. She has 75 days to comply. And Joe Biden's son has been ordered to show up for deadbeat dad court. He's trying to get out of it by claiming coronavirus.

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Re: 173 Declared Democratic Presidential Candidates

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Primary day today in Arizona, Florida, Illinois and Ohio. Nothing in the news, aside from a mention of Ohio's being postponed. The Democrats are using the coronavirus panic to push Gibbering Joe Biden out of the public eye. And when we see him again, he'll probably be surrounded by 300 people, which seems to be the going limit for gatherings now in our coronaworld dystopia. So from here on, the Leftist media will show Biden with 300 and then Trump with 300 and say, "See, they're equally supported." But Trump draws upwards of 40,000. Sanders was drawing about 15,000 and Warren about 11-12,000. At his last stop in San Antonio Biden drew 78. And he got heckled.
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