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Re: Heart of Darkness: Student Message Board Involvement

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 11:40 pm
by Stephanie L
So far, I think that this novel is now revealing the truth behind what really is the “Heart of Darkness”. As Marlow travels at sea to meet with Mr. Kurtz at the Inner Station, he overhears the manager and his uncle talk about Mr. Kurtz behavior. Not knowing if it was precisely true, Mr. Kurtz is now at the “heart” of Marlow’s confusion.

“We penetrated deeper and deeper into the heart of darkness”. pg.108

Assuming what will happen next, meeting Mr. Kurtz may defiantly create tension within this novel and contribute a major part to what Marlow’s own internal meaning of “Heart of Darkness” really is.

Re: Heart of Darkness: Student Message Board Involvement

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:10 am
by anlei3
Andy from 1st period.
Marlow is becoming obsessed with Kurtz and going as far as imagining what he looks like and when they will meet. Marlow's reputation preceded him and the Europeans he meets think highly of him, but in reality Marlow is simply a curious traveler with a veil of greatness produced by his aunt to attain him a position on a boat. Kurtz and Marlow may be more alike than the story lets off so far. Kurtz doesn't seem like such an amazing person especially because we have not met him yet and all the praise has been coming from people the author is trying to antagonize.

Re: Heart of Darkness: Student Message Board Involvement

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:26 am
by cllaw
Hi :) It's Clara from 1st period. I posted yesterday but I don't think it showed up so I'm just posting again--just in case.

Anyway...So far in the novel, everything seems to be revolving around Mr. Kurtz. I think he's represents "Heart of Darkness" itself. Because of this, through Mr. Kurtz, I believe that Marlow will find his own interpretation on what "Heart of Darkness" exactly is.

Re: Heart of Darkness: Student Message Board Involvement

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:29 am
by jotang2
Jonathan Tang 1st period.
I really enjoy Conrad's style of writing. :D The plot is easy to follow, and the setting of the river and African "darkness" is very descriptive. Although his details of the settings are flowery, it's imagery casts a veil over the jungle, making for a confusing, chaotic, and perhaps an intimidating environment. This jostle of descriptions instills fear that I experience firsthand.
Marlow's internal conflict has infinite capabilities and possibilities. "The mind of man is capable of anything-because everything is in it, all the past as well as all the future. What was there after all? Joy, fear, sorrow, devotion, valour, rage-who can tell?-but truth-truth stripped of its cloak of time." (Conrad, 109.) I actually reread this passage to extract the inner message. The mind has no limitations; it's able to replay moments that are important. Memories serve as foundations for reflection, remembering, and learning. Marlow's story is told according to his eidetic memory. The style of narration allows the narrator, Marlow, to reflect on his past experiences while telling a story to his crew.

Re: Heart of Darkness: Student Message Board Involvement

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:40 am
by juyu5
Julian from 1st period!
I think Mr. Kurtz is one of those characters that represent and brings out Marlow. I believe Mr. Kurtz is the one that brings the readers along with him to give us a better picture of the plot.

Re: Heart of Darkness: Student Message Board Involvement

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 1:16 am
by genki247
hey itz joel from 1st period

dont kno my name better ask somebody...

um... the book is pretty good so far. Can't wait to see when Marlow meets Kurtz and all that drama shows up. The book talks highly of Kurtz, but the book can only tell you so much about a person, that they can be the exact opposite

yea that's all i got....

Re: Heart of Darkness: Student Message Board Involvement

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 2:22 am
by colourednanax
Aha, this is Dina from 5th period~~
So far, to me, as the story progresses, it only seems as if Marlow was nothing but a man with a duty, that duty being to soothe his crave for adventure and knowledge really. Kurtz, is the man that Marlow strives to figure out more about. The more Marlow heard of this Kurtz on his journey, the more he wanted to meet him personally. He was supposedly- 'obsessed' with Kurtz, he being the origin of all of Marlow's curiosity by now. Which is why Marlow was currently confused with everything that he had just heard.

Re: Heart of Darkness: Student Message Board Involvement

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 5:40 pm
by Chuany
Ah, 2nd* Chuany here.

Re: Heart of Darkness: Student Message Board Involvement

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 10:52 pm
by The ONE
ayeee rodel from the bestt period known at 1st period, cause we stay firstt.
Thee plot to me is very descriptive and intriguing. Marlow is a very interesting figure, and I can't wait to see wutt he finds in store @ Africa. Either the good the bad or the ugly, anddd from that point on I hope he doesn't drift into aNYthing wrong.
The beginning of the boook is a little slow IMO. but I'm sure its gonna catch on.

Re: Heart of Darkness: Student Message Board Involvement

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 11:01 pm
by Princey
Eugene here!

after hearing about the racism thing we talked about in class the other day, i can somewhat agree to that thought. because just before talking about that topic, i was reading the book after star testing, and i came across these couple of pages where Marlow defines the native as animals and called them "niggers." but in a way he is innocent to racism because the place he is in is full of chaos, so it is hard for him to not think about stuff in a wrong way. i've found this thread that talks about what individuals think of racism is. so go check it out. it's pretty cool how every individual have their own thoughts about racism.