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Ch. 12 - Slaughter: in a glass abattoir

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 9:50 pm
by Chris OConnor
Please use this thread for discussing Chapter 12, Slaughter: in a glass abattoir.

Re: Ch. 12 - Slaughter: in a glass abattoir

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 10:54 pm
by AubreyAlexis
It was actually comforting to read about the slaughtering process on Polyface farm. (I wasn't thrilled at all about reading on the bleeding of the chickens - ugh). But, the meat industry is always so mysterious and the only things that come out of it are rumors of atrocities. I know this isn't typical to the way things are done, but I still felt satisfied (and even a little hopefull) reading it. The idea of homogeny in farming and food production in this huge country is really bizarre. But something that we are so used to. Chicken is chicken. Eggs are eggs. I had never really thought about it before and I'm surprised that we have grown so accustomed to such ideas when the soil and the climate across the nation varies so greatly!

Re: Ch. 12 - Slaughter: in a glass abattoir

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 12:34 am
by Loricat
I just bought a book about potatoes...essentially an informative cookbook. But there are so many kinds of potatoes! It's hard to believe we only see 2 or 3 kinds in the stores. I bought red and purple carrots this summer...the options we're missing... "All beings are the owners of their deeds, the heirs to their deeds." Loricat's Book NookCelebrating the Absurd